Day 14: Congratulations! You made it!

Today is your last day on the 14-Day Detox!

I hope you feel incredibly proud of yourself!

You became the CEO of your own health and I bet you feel more energized than ever before!

I know I do!

Now that we are finishing the detox, evaluate what you’ve learned over the last three weeks, since we started this journey together.

How do you feel?

What did you love or dislike during the program?

What helped you when you felt cravings or stress?

Start thinking about your plan starting tomorrow. What do you want to eat? Do you want to go back to the way you were eating before this program? Or do you want to keep up all or some of the food eliminations?

Keep up your daily practices all day and ease into bed tonight with the great feeling knowing that you made it and you really showed up for you.

Watch today’s (and your last) video to learn more about how to keep the momentum going and integrate these changes into your life!


Dr. Mariza