Welcome to Day 3! Look at you girl! You are crushing it!
I want to take a moment to check-in – how are you feeling?
Are you experiencing any mood changes, cravings, or decreased energy? Don’t worry, these are all still very normal at this point in the program.
We are going to shift our focus a bit — to mindset.
That is precisely why mindset is everything when it comes to making positive changes in your body.
Commitment and mindset to be exact!
I am a firm believer that a positive mindset will help you to overcome any odds.
As your mood fluctuates throughout the detox, remember that you are in charge of your own healthcare. Your unique thoughts and feelings are valid, so take some time to record them in your 5-Minute Journal or share them with the FB group.
Try to redirect your thoughts to the positive by reminding yourself that you are worthy and deserving of a body that works for you.
Keep envisioning yourself at the end of the detox, and inhale your favorite calming oil or blend while doing it.
Keep taking care of yourself!
Are you remembering to check-in with your peers?
We are always here waiting to support you and lift you up in the Facebook Community.
Fellow detoxers are ready to support you as you experience struggles and obstacles. We are here for you. We are here for each other. And we are ready to cheer you on as we head into Day 4 together!